What is CBG? How Is It Different From CBD?

Okay, so you’ve heard about CBD and all its reported benefits. Although still in its clinical trial period, there always seems to be someone around testifying to the potency of this compound.

And just when you were beginning to get a hang of what CBD really is, another compound came in: CBG.

If this is you and you'd like to know what CBG is, then this article is for you. In it, we’ll cover all you need to know about CBG, how it differs from CBD, as well as some of its benefits.

We’ll define CBG in a minute, but first a primer on phytocannabinoids.

Introduction to Plant Cannabinoids (Phytocannabinoids)

The cannabis plant is made up of hundreds of compounds, in the form of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc. These compounds all have different roles they play in the human body. The human body has an endocannabinoid system that is designed to absorb cannabinoids and use them to keep our bodies in a balanced state.

The most popular of these cannabinoids is THC, which is mostly known for the “high” it causes in marijuana users. Although THC has almost as many therapeutic benefits as CBD, it is still stigmatized because of the undesirable high it causes in users.

Some other popular cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant (out of over 120) include:

Cannabigerol (CBG)

Cannabinol (CBN)

Cannabichromene (CBC)

All the above-listed compounds have been found to interact with several receptor systems in the human body in a way that helps the body. And out of the 120+ cannabinoids found in the hemp plant; THC is the only compound that causes intoxication.

So, What is This CBG?

As the name implies, CBG stands for cannabigerol. It is one of around 120+ phytocannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. It is found in both the hemp and marijuana plant.

However, CBG is most predominant in the hemp plant. It is often referred to as the “parent” cannabinoid because every other cannabinoid starts out as CBG before eventually converting to its respective cannabinoid (CBD, THC, CBN, etc.).

CBG is currently being studied for its potential benefits, although it's yet to get into its clinical trial stages. Early studies conducted on animals and microorganisms suggest that CBG may have some positive effects on colitis, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

How Does CBG Compare to CBD?

Both CBD and CBG are non-intoxicating cannabinoids, which means they won't get you high. They both bind to the same receptors in the body and appear to share anti-inflammatory benefits.

However, there appear to be some differences between CBG and CBD when it comes to function and health advantages.

What Are the Differences Between CBD and CBG?

Like we mentioned earlier, CBG is a “parent” cannabinoid, meaning CBG helps make CBD. However, in their extracted states, there are both different cannabinoids.

They serve different purposes and serve as therapies for different ailments, despite some possible pharmacological overlap. One of these overlaps include the fact that both compounds are non-psychotropic, that is, they won’t alter your mind in a way that makes you unable to carry out your daily routine.

The only alterations they make, if any, are meant to help restore your body to homeostasis, relieving you from anxiety and depression.

Another potential overlap of the two cannabinoids is that they both are useful in counteracting the intoxicating effects of THC. This means, if you take CBG along with any THC-rich product, you could potentially counteract the “high” of the THC.

Potential Benefits of CBG

Having discussed the differences as well as similarities between CBG and CBD, let's now move on to some potential benefits of this relatively new cannabinoid.

Some of the potential benefits of CBG include:

May Help Deal With Glaucoma and Intraocular Pressure

Findings from a 1990 study on the use of CBG on glaucoma revealed that "cannabigerol and related cannabinoids may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of glaucoma."

Another study published in 2008 further cements this observation. Both studies suggest that CBG might help deal with glaucoma because it reduces intraocular pressure.

This benefit might just be where CBG one-ups CBD, as CBD doesn't help with glaucoma.

Helps Restore Appetite

According to a 2016 study published in the National Library of Medicine, CBG could help deal with the loss of appetite. CBG's appetite-boosting properties might be beneficial to individuals with conditions such as HIV or cancer.

Helps Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease

In a study conducted on mice in 2013, CBG was suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties that could help deal with inflammatory bowel disease.

Huntington’s Disease

Another study conducted on mice in 2015 suggests that CBG might have promising effects on neurodegenerative disorders, such as Huntington’s disease, due to its neuroprotective properties.


There’s also research suggesting that CBG might have anti-cancer properties. In a study conducted in 2014, CBG was found to reduce the growth of cancer cells and other tumors.

CBG may also help deal with bladder dysfunction and bacterial infections.

CBD vs CBG: Which Is Better for You?

CBD and CBG both have their different benefits, although with several overlaps. That said, the choice of which is better can vary based on need and lifestyle. It's also been found that these cannabinoids work better together due to a phenomenon referred to as the "entourage effect".

Thankfully, the choice of which cannabinoid to take is not either or. This is because many CBD products, like those in our broad-spectrum line of products, combine the two cannabinoids in their formulations.

These cannabinoids all occur naturally in hemp and share similar properties. However, they all have their unique differences which they bring to bear when combined.

We hope this article has helped you know the differences between CBD and CBG. Feel free to check out our blog if you'd like to learn more about the potential benefits of CBG, CBC, and other cannabinoids.